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A function to plot summary of partitioned breeding values.


# S3 method for summaryAlphaPart
plot(x, by, sortValue,
  sortValueFUN, sortValueDec, addSum, paths, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim,
  color, lineSize, lineType, lineTypeList, useDirectLabels, method,
  labelPath, ...)



summaryAlphaPart, object from the AlphaPart(...) or summary(AlphaPart(...), ...) call.


Character, the name of a column by which summary function FUN should be applied; if NULL (default) summary is given for the whole table.


Logical, affect legend attributes via sort of paths according to sortValueFUN function; if not logical, then ordered paths are given as a character vector.


Function, that produces single value for one vector, say mean or sum.


Logical, sort decreasing.


Logical, plot the overall trend.


Character or list or characters, name of paths to plot; if NULL plot all paths; see examples.


Character, x-axis label.


Character, y-axis label; can be a vector of several labels if there are more traits in x (recycled!).


Numeric, a vector of two values with x-axis limits; use a list of vectors for more traits.


Numeric, a vector of two values with y-axis limits; use a list of vectors for more traits.


Character, color names; by default a set of 54 colors is predefined from the RColorBrewer package; in addition a black colour is attached at the begining for the overall trend; if there are more paths than colors then recycling occours.


Numeric, line width.


Numeric, line type (recycled); can be used only if lineTypeList=NULL.


List, named list of numeric values that help to point out a set of paths (distinguished with line type) within upper level of paths (distinguished by, color), e.g., lineTypeList=list("-1"=1, "-2"=2, def=1) will lead to use of line 2, for paths having "-2" at the end of path name, while line type 1 (default) will, be used for other paths; specification of this argument also causes recycling of colors for the upper level of paths; if NULL all lines have a standard line type, otherwise lineType does not have any effect.


Logical, use directlabels package for legend.


List, method for direct.label.


Character, legend title; used only if useDirectLabels=FALSE.


Arguments passed to other functions (not used at the moment).


A list of ggplot objects that can be further modified or displayed. For each trait in x there is one plot visualising summarized values.


Information in summaries of partitions of breeding values can be overhelming due to a large volume of numbers. Plot method can be used to visualise this data in eye pleasing way using ggplot2 graphics.


# \donttest{

## Partition additive genetic values by country
(res <- AlphaPart(x=AlphaPart.ped, colPath="country", colBV=c("bv1", "bv2")))
#> Size:
#>  - individuals: 8 
#>  - traits: 2 (bv1, bv2)
#>  - paths: 2 (domestic, import)
#>  - unknown (missing) values:
#> bv1 bv2 
#>   0   0 
#>  Partitions of breeding values 
#>    - individuals: 8 
#>    - paths: 2 (domestic, import)
#>    - traits: 2 (bv1, bv2)
#>  Trait: bv1 
#>   IId FId MId gen  country gender bv1   bv1_pa      bv1_w bv1_domestic bv1_import
#> 1   A           1 domestic      F 100 104.3333 -4.3333333      100.000      0.000
#> 2   B           1   import      M 105 104.3333  0.6666667        0.000    105.000
#> 3   C   B   A   2 domestic      F 104 102.5000  1.5000000       51.500     52.500
#> 4   T   B       2   import      F 102  52.5000 49.5000000        0.000    102.000
#> 5   D           2   import      M 108 104.3333  3.6666667        0.000    108.000
#> 6   E   D   C   3 domestic      M 107 106.0000  1.0000000       26.750     80.250
#> 7   U   D       3   import      F 107  54.0000 53.0000000        0.000    107.000
#> 8   V   E       4 domestic      F 109  53.5000 55.5000000       68.875     40.125
#>  Trait: bv2 
#>   IId FId MId gen  country gender bv2    bv2_pa      bv2_w bv2_domestic bv2_import
#> 1   A           1 domestic      F  88  99.66667 -11.666667           88          0
#> 2   B           1   import      M 110  99.66667  10.333333            0        110
#> 3   C   B   A   2 domestic      F 100  99.00000   1.000000           45         55
#> 4   T   B       2   import      F  97  55.00000  42.000000            0         97
#> 5   D           2   import      M 101  99.66667   1.333333            0        101
#> 6   E   D   C   3 domestic      M  80 100.50000 -20.500000            2         78
#> 7   U   D       3   import      F 102  50.50000  51.500000            0        102
#> 8   V   E       4 domestic      F 105  40.00000  65.000000           66         39

## Summarize population by generation (=trend)
(ret <- summary(res, by="gen"))
#>  Summary of partitions of breeding values 
#>    - paths: 2 (domestic, import)
#>    - traits: 2 (bv1, bv2)
#>  Trait: bv1 
#>   gen N      Sum domestic import
#> 1   1 2 102.5000 50.00000 52.500
#> 2   2 3 104.6667 17.16667 87.500
#> 3   3 2 107.0000 13.37500 93.625
#> 4   4 1 109.0000 68.87500 40.125
#>  Trait: bv2 
#>   gen N       Sum domestic   import
#> 1   1 2  99.00000       44 55.00000
#> 2   2 3  99.33333       15 84.33333
#> 3   3 2  91.00000        1 90.00000
#> 4   4 1 105.00000       66 39.00000

## Plot the partitions
p <- plot(ret, ylab=c("bv for trait 1", "bv for trait 2"), xlab="Generation")

## Partition additive genetic values by country and sex
AlphaPart.ped$country.gender <- with(AlphaPart.ped, paste(country, gender, sep="-"))
(res <- AlphaPart(x=AlphaPart.ped, colPath="country.gender", colBV=c("bv1", "bv2")))
#> Size:
#>  - individuals: 8 
#>  - traits: 2 (bv1, bv2)
#>  - paths: 4 (domestic-F, domestic-M, import-F, import-M)
#>  - unknown (missing) values:
#> bv1 bv2 
#>   0   0 
#>  Partitions of breeding values 
#>    - individuals: 8 
#>    - paths: 4 (domestic-F, domestic-M, import-F, import-M)
#>    - traits: 2 (bv1, bv2)
#>  Trait: bv1 
#>   IId FId MId gen  country gender country.gender bv1   bv1_pa      bv1_w bv1_domestic-F bv1_domestic-M bv1_import-F bv1_import-M
#> 1   A           1 domestic      F     domestic-F 100 104.3333 -4.3333333        100.000            0.0          0.0        0.000
#> 2   B           1   import      M       import-M 105 104.3333  0.6666667          0.000            0.0          0.0      105.000
#> 3   C   B   A   2 domestic      F     domestic-F 104 102.5000  1.5000000         51.500            0.0          0.0       52.500
#> 4   T   B       2   import      F       import-F 102  52.5000 49.5000000          0.000            0.0         49.5       52.500
#> 5   D           2   import      M       import-M 108 104.3333  3.6666667          0.000            0.0          0.0      108.000
#> 6   E   D   C   3 domestic      M     domestic-M 107 106.0000  1.0000000         25.750            1.0          0.0       80.250
#> 7   U   D       3   import      F       import-F 107  54.0000 53.0000000          0.000            0.0         53.0       54.000
#> 8   V   E       4 domestic      F     domestic-F 109  53.5000 55.5000000         68.375            0.5          0.0       40.125
#>  Trait: bv2 
#>   IId FId MId gen  country gender country.gender bv2    bv2_pa      bv2_w bv2_domestic-F bv2_domestic-M bv2_import-F bv2_import-M
#> 1   A           1 domestic      F     domestic-F  88  99.66667 -11.666667          88.00           0.00          0.0          0.0
#> 2   B           1   import      M       import-M 110  99.66667  10.333333           0.00           0.00          0.0        110.0
#> 3   C   B   A   2 domestic      F     domestic-F 100  99.00000   1.000000          45.00           0.00          0.0         55.0
#> 4   T   B       2   import      F       import-F  97  55.00000  42.000000           0.00           0.00         42.0         55.0
#> 5   D           2   import      M       import-M 101  99.66667   1.333333           0.00           0.00          0.0        101.0
#> 6   E   D   C   3 domestic      M     domestic-M  80 100.50000 -20.500000          22.50         -20.50          0.0         78.0
#> 7   U   D       3   import      F       import-F 102  50.50000  51.500000           0.00           0.00         51.5         50.5
#> 8   V   E       4 domestic      F     domestic-F 105  40.00000  65.000000          76.25         -10.25          0.0         39.0

## Summarize population by generation (=trend)
(ret <- summary(res, by="gen"))
#>  Summary of partitions of breeding values 
#>    - paths: 4 (domestic-F, domestic-M, import-F, import-M)
#>    - traits: 2 (bv1, bv2)
#>  Trait: bv1 
#>   gen N      Sum domestic-F domestic-M import-F import-M
#> 1   1 2 102.5000   50.00000        0.0      0.0   52.500
#> 2   2 3 104.6667   17.16667        0.0     16.5   71.000
#> 3   3 2 107.0000   12.87500        0.5     26.5   67.125
#> 4   4 1 109.0000   68.37500        0.5      0.0   40.125
#>  Trait: bv2 
#>   gen N       Sum domestic-F domestic-M import-F import-M
#> 1   1 2  99.00000      44.00       0.00     0.00 55.00000
#> 2   2 3  99.33333      15.00       0.00    14.00 70.33333
#> 3   3 2  91.00000      11.25     -10.25    25.75 64.25000
#> 4   4 1 105.00000      76.25     -10.25     0.00 39.00000

## Plot the partitions
p <- plot(ret, ylab=c("BV for trait 1", "BV for trait 2"), xlab="Generation")

p <- plot(ret, ylab=c("BV for trait 1", "BV for trait 2"), xlab="Generation",
        lineTypeList=list("-1"=1, "-2"=2, def=3))

p <- plot(ret, ylab=c("BV for trait 1", "BV for trait 2"), xlab="Generation",
        lineTypeList=list("-1"=1, "-2"=2, def=3), useGgplot2=FALSE, useDirectLabels = FALSE)

## Plot control (color and type of lines + limits)
p <- plot(ret, ylab=c("BV for trait 1", "BV for trait 2"), xlab="Generation",
        useGgplot2=TRUE, color=c("green", "gray"), lineType=c(2, 3),
        sortValue=FALSE, lineSize=4,
        xlim=c(-1, 7))

# }