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Plot output object from plot.summaryAlphaPart.


# S3 method for plotSummaryAlphaPart
print(x, ask, ...)



plotSummaryAlphaPart, output object from plot.summaryAlphaPart function


Logical, ask before printing another plot?


Arguments passed to other functions (not used at the moment).


## Partition additive genetic values
(res <- AlphaPart(x=AlphaPart.ped, colPath="country", colBV=c("bv1", "bv2")))
#> Size:
#>  - individuals: 8 
#>  - traits: 2 (bv1, bv2)
#>  - paths: 2 (domestic, import)
#>  - unknown (missing) values:
#> bv1 bv2 
#>   0   0 
#>  Partitions of breeding values 
#>    - individuals: 8 
#>    - paths: 2 (domestic, import)
#>    - traits: 2 (bv1, bv2)
#>  Trait: bv1 
#>   IId FId MId gen  country gender bv1   bv1_pa      bv1_w bv1_domestic bv1_import
#> 1   A           1 domestic      F 100 104.3333 -4.3333333      100.000      0.000
#> 2   B           1   import      M 105 104.3333  0.6666667        0.000    105.000
#> 3   C   B   A   2 domestic      F 104 102.5000  1.5000000       51.500     52.500
#> 4   T   B       2   import      F 102  52.5000 49.5000000        0.000    102.000
#> 5   D           2   import      M 108 104.3333  3.6666667        0.000    108.000
#> 6   E   D   C   3 domestic      M 107 106.0000  1.0000000       26.750     80.250
#> 7   U   D       3   import      F 107  54.0000 53.0000000        0.000    107.000
#> 8   V   E       4 domestic      F 109  53.5000 55.5000000       68.875     40.125
#>  Trait: bv2 
#>   IId FId MId gen  country gender bv2    bv2_pa      bv2_w bv2_domestic bv2_import
#> 1   A           1 domestic      F  88  99.66667 -11.666667           88          0
#> 2   B           1   import      M 110  99.66667  10.333333            0        110
#> 3   C   B   A   2 domestic      F 100  99.00000   1.000000           45         55
#> 4   T   B       2   import      F  97  55.00000  42.000000            0         97
#> 5   D           2   import      M 101  99.66667   1.333333            0        101
#> 6   E   D   C   3 domestic      M  80 100.50000 -20.500000            2         78
#> 7   U   D       3   import      F 102  50.50000  51.500000            0        102
#> 8   V   E       4 domestic      F 105  40.00000  65.000000           66         39

## Summarize population by generation (=trend)
(ret <- summary(res, by="gen"))
#>  Summary of partitions of breeding values 
#>    - paths: 2 (domestic, import)
#>    - traits: 2 (bv1, bv2)
#>  Trait: bv1 
#>   gen N      Sum domestic import
#> 1   1 2 102.5000 50.00000 52.500
#> 2   2 3 104.6667 17.16667 87.500
#> 3   3 2 107.0000 13.37500 93.625
#> 4   4 1 109.0000 68.87500 40.125
#>  Trait: bv2 
#>   gen N       Sum domestic   import
#> 1   1 2  99.00000       44 55.00000
#> 2   2 3  99.33333       15 84.33333
#> 3   3 2  91.00000        1 90.00000
#> 4   4 1 105.00000       66 39.00000

## Plot the partitions
p <- plot(ret, ylab=c("BV for trait 1", "BV for trait 2"), xlab="Generation")

